Salty break in the Caribbean waters - Sailboat - S.Frutten 2720 Views
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98115 06/12/2016 04:07 14.07493 -60.98458 06/12/2016 04:07
14° 04.496'N 60° 59.075'W
Stuck in St Lucia... anybody going south to Grenada? Stuck in St Lucia... anybody going south to Grenada? S.Frutten false
98061 02/12/2016 21:34 14.88707 -61.31732 02/12/2016 21:34
14° 53.224'N 61° 19.039'W
Surfing fast and quite through the waves, sails up, getting ready for night mode. Jah Guidance Surfing fast and quite through the waves, sails up, getting ready for night mode. Jah Guidance S.Frutten false
98018 29/11/2016 00:09 16.08877 -61.76823 29/11/2016 00:09
16° 05.326'N 61° 46.094'W
A place to find some rest. Anse à la barque A place to find some rest. Anse à la barque S.Frutten false
98004 25/11/2016 21:00 17.42294 -62.93243 25/11/2016 21:00
17° 25.376'N 62° 55.946'W
full sails up. full sails up. S.Frutten false
97989 22/11/2016 19:40 18.332915 -64.952372 22/11/2016 19:40
18° 19.975'N 64° 57.142'W
Ready to take off Ready to take off S.Frutten false