Trasferimento Piperita - Sailboat - maressiellada 4519 Views
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Finalmente Mediterraneo! Grazie, Oceano, per le emozioni che ci hai regalato (o forse venduto, visto come ce le hai fatte pagare...)

maressiellada , 11/7/2011 9:43:08 AM

Ciao fratellone!
Che viaggione finora! Buon proseguimento!

sarettah , 10/31/2011 8:05:09 PM

Scusate il ritardo,ci siamo svegliati solo ora

maressiellada , 10/30/2011 8:36:03 AM

Le foto sono sul mio profilo Facebook (Massimiliano Panessa)

maressiellada , 10/28/2011 9:11:56 AM

Sosta tecnica a Brest. Tagliando motore, qualche lavoretto. Salutiamo Kociss, che ritorna in Galles.

maressiellada , 10/27/2011 9:51:58 AM

4 m
Brest! Kociss ci lascia e vi saluta

maressiellada , 10/26/2011 10:36:17 PM

Partiti da cherbourg 12.20 per brest

maressiellada , 10/25/2011 2:14:42 PM

Ciao a tutto l'equipaggio e soprattutto BUON VENTO!!
Rita e Marco

tidirossa , 10/25/2011 12:20:25 PM

Ciao a tutti !! Prossima fermata Guernsey ? In bocca al lupo per il leone !!!

ansanet , 10/25/2011 11:21:07 AM

0 m
Passato lo stretto di Dover. Si va alla grande! Saluti da Kociss

maressiellada , 10/24/2011 12:51:13 PM
33690 12/11/2011 18:29 44.0969444444444 9.86027777777778 12/11/2011 18.29
44° 05.817'N 9° 51.617'E
gps fix

lat: n 44 5' 49''
long: e 9 51' 37''
time: 17:26:37 utc
date: 12-11-2011
altitude: -3 m
velocity: 0 km/h

culo in banchina. e' finita. grazie a tutti!
gps fix lat: n 44 5' 49'' long: e 9 51' 37'' time: 17:26:37 utc date: 12-11-2011 altitude: -3 m velocity: 0 km/h culo in banchina. e' finita. grazie a tutti! maressiellada false
33216 12/11/2011 09:24 43.2130555555555 8.89638888888889 12/11/2011 09.24
43° 12.783'N 8° 53.783'E
gps fix

lat: n 43 12' 47''
long: e 8 53' 47''
time: 08:23:44 utc
date: 12-11-2011
altitude: 2 m
velocity: 16 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 48 m
gps fix lat: n 43 12' 47'' long: e 8 53' 47'' time: 08:23:44 utc date: 12-11-2011 altitude: 2 m velocity: 16 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 48 m maressiellada false
33032 11/11/2011 21:33 42.0663888888889 7.81777777777778 11/11/2011 21.33
42° 03.983'N 7° 49.067'E
gps fix

lat: n 42 3' 59''
long: e 7 49' 4''
time: 20:33:20 utc
date: 11-11-2011
altitude: -1 m
velocity: 14 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 32 m
gps fix lat: n 42 3' 59'' long: e 7 49' 4'' time: 20:33:20 utc date: 11-11-2011 altitude: -1 m velocity: 14 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 32 m maressiellada false
32308 11/11/2011 12:09 41.2925 6.52583333333333 11/11/2011 12.09
41° 17.550'N 6° 31.550'E
gps fix

lat: n 41 17' 33''
long: e 6 31' 33''
time: 11:02:15 utc
date: 11-11-2011
altitude: 3 m
velocity: 15 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 16 m
gps fix lat: n 41 17' 33'' long: e 6 31' 33'' time: 11:02:15 utc date: 11-11-2011 altitude: 3 m velocity: 15 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 16 m maressiellada false
32290 11/11/2011 03:09 40.5488888888889 5.32777777777778 11/11/2011 03.09
40° 32.933'N 5° 19.667'E
gps fix

lat: n 40 32' 56''
long: e 5 19' 40''
time: 02:09:28 utc
date: 11-11-2011
altitude: -2 m
velocity: 15 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 32 m
gps fix lat: n 40 32' 56'' long: e 5 19' 40'' time: 02:09:28 utc date: 11-11-2011 altitude: -2 m velocity: 15 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 32 m maressiellada false
32277 10/11/2011 12:25 39.8875 4.27722222222222 10/11/2011 12.25
39° 53.250'N 4° 16.633'E
gps fix

lat: n 39 53' 15''
long: e 4 16' 38''
time: 11:24:37 utc
date: 10-11-2011
altitude: 0 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 16 m
gps fix lat: n 39 53' 15'' long: e 4 16' 38'' time: 11:24:37 utc date: 10-11-2011 altitude: 0 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 16 m maressiellada false
32265 09/11/2011 19:35 38.7263888888889 2.16527777777778 09/11/2011 19.35
38° 43.583'N 2° 09.917'E
gps fix
lat: n 38 43' 35''
long: e 2 9' 55''
time: 18:32:56 utc
date: 09-11-2011
altitude: 1 m
velocity: 13 km/h
giornata passata a prendere il sole in mutande
gps fix lat: n 38 43' 35'' long: e 2 9' 55'' time: 18:32:56 utc date: 09-11-2011 altitude: 1 m velocity: 13 km/h giornata passata a prendere il sole in mutande maressiellada false
32255 09/11/2011 09:05 38.0272222222222 0.616944444444445 09/11/2011 09.05
38° 01.633'N 0° 37.017'E
gps fix

lat: n 38 1' 38''
long: e 0 37' 1''
time: 08:05:25 utc
date: 09-11-2011
altitude: -2 m
velocity: 14 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 64 m
gps fix lat: n 38 1' 38'' long: e 0 37' 1'' time: 08:05:25 utc date: 09-11-2011 altitude: -2 m velocity: 14 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 64 m maressiellada false
31883 08/11/2011 18:01 37.0788888888889 -1.39666666666667 08/11/2011 18.01
37° 04.733'N 1° 23.800'W
gps fix

lat: n 37 4' 44''
long: w 1 23' 48''
time: 17:00:48 utc
date: 08-11-2011
altitude: 19 m
velocity: 15 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 16 m
gps fix lat: n 37 4' 44'' long: w 1 23' 48'' time: 17:00:48 utc date: 08-11-2011 altitude: 19 m velocity: 15 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 16 m maressiellada false
31551 08/11/2011 10:31 36.6222222222222 -2.43777777777778 08/11/2011 10.31
36° 37.333'N 2° 26.267'W
gps fix

lat: n 36 37' 20''
long: w 2 26' 16''
time: 09:31:01 utc
date: 08-11-2011
altitude: 7 m
velocity: 17 km/h

horiz: +/- 24 m
vert: +/- 16 m
gps fix lat: n 36 37' 20'' long: w 2 26' 16'' time: 09:31:01 utc date: 08-11-2011 altitude: 7 m velocity: 17 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 24 m vert: +/- 16 m maressiellada false
31545 08/11/2011 03:05 36.3933333333333 -3.66333333333333 08/11/2011 03.05
36° 23.600'N 3° 39.800'W
gps fix

lat: n 36 23' 36''
long: w 3 39' 48''
time: 02:03:25 utc
date: 08-11-2011
altitude: 8 m
velocity: 0 km/h

notte di luna
gps fix lat: n 36 23' 36'' long: w 3 39' 48'' time: 02:03:25 utc date: 08-11-2011 altitude: 8 m velocity: 0 km/h notte di luna maressiellada false
31533 06/11/2011 20:38 36.1488888888889 -5.35472222222222 06/11/2011 20.38
36° 08.933'N 5° 21.283'W
gps fix

lat: n 36 8' 56''
long: w 5 21' 17''
time: 19:35:31 utc
date: 06-11-2011
altitude: 0 m
velocity: 0 km/h

gps fix lat: n 36 8' 56'' long: w 5 21' 17'' time: 19:35:31 utc date: 06-11-2011 altitude: 0 m velocity: 0 km/h gibilterra! maressiellada false
31529 06/11/2011 11:00 36.3263888888889 -6.71611111111111 06/11/2011 11.00
36° 19.583'N 6° 42.967'W
gps fix

lat: n 36 19' 35''
long: w 6 42' 58''
time: 09:59:32 utc
date: 06-11-2011
altitude: 4 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 32 m
vert: +/- 128 m
gps fix lat: n 36 19' 35'' long: w 6 42' 58'' time: 09:59:32 utc date: 06-11-2011 altitude: 4 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 32 m vert: +/- 128 m maressiellada false
31516 05/11/2011 18:05 37.2436111111111 -9.13555555555556 05/11/2011 18.05
37° 14.617'N 9° 08.133'W
gps fix

lat: n 37 14' 37''
long: w 9 8' 8''
time: 17:04:25 utc
date: 05-11-2011
altitude: 64 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 48 m
gps fix lat: n 37 14' 37'' long: w 9 8' 8'' time: 17:04:25 utc date: 05-11-2011 altitude: 64 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 48 m maressiellada false
31510 05/11/2011 08:57 38.4305555555556 -9.44472222222222 05/11/2011 08.57
38° 25.833'N 9° 26.683'W
gps fix

lat: n 38 25' 50''
long: w 9 26' 41''
time: 07:57:07 utc
date: 05-11-2011
altitude: 5 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 32 m
gps fix lat: n 38 25' 50'' long: w 9 26' 41'' time: 07:57:07 utc date: 05-11-2011 altitude: 5 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 32 m maressiellada false
31501 04/11/2011 13:20 40.9944444444444 -8.79416666666667 04/11/2011 13.20
40° 59.667'N 8° 47.650'W
gps fix

lat: n 40 59' 40''
long: w 8 47' 39''
time: 12:17:07 utc
date: 04-11-2011
altitude: 7 m
velocity: 0 km/h

partiti da porto. prossimo scalo gibilterra
gps fix lat: n 40 59' 40'' long: w 8 47' 39'' time: 12:17:07 utc date: 04-11-2011 altitude: 7 m velocity: 0 km/h partiti da porto. prossimo scalo gibilterra maressiellada false
31448 01/11/2011 07:56 41.1852777777778 -8.70472222222222 01/11/2011 07.56
41° 11.117'N 8° 42.283'W
gps fix

lat: n 41 11' 7''
long: w 8 42' 17''
time: 06:54:31 utc
date: 01-11-2011
altitude: 12 m
velocity: 0 km/h

in porto a porto!
gps fix lat: n 41 11' 7'' long: w 8 42' 17'' time: 06:54:31 utc date: 01-11-2011 altitude: 12 m velocity: 0 km/h in porto a porto! maressiellada false
31443 31/10/2011 18:08 42.4494444444444 -9.22861111111111 31/10/2011 18.08
42° 26.967'N 9° 13.717'W
gps fix

lat: n 42 26' 58''
long: w 9 13' 43''
time: 17:07:55 utc
date: 31-10-2011
altitude: 4 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 32 m
gps fix lat: n 42 26' 58'' long: w 9 13' 43'' time: 17:07:55 utc date: 31-10-2011 altitude: 4 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 32 m maressiellada false
31426 31/10/2011 08:43 43.4775 -9.04222222222222 31/10/2011 08.43
43° 28.650'N 9° 02.533'W
gps fix

lat: n 43 28' 39''
long: w 9 2' 32''
time: 07:41:09 utc
date: 31-10-2011
altitude: 2 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 24 m
vert: +/- 80 m
gps fix lat: n 43 28' 39'' long: w 9 2' 32'' time: 07:41:09 utc date: 31-10-2011 altitude: 2 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 24 m vert: +/- 80 m maressiellada false
31412 30/10/2011 18:14 44.9983333333333 -7.68166666666667 30/10/2011 18.14
44° 59.900'N 7° 40.900'W
gps fix

lat: n 44 59' 54''
long: w 7 40' 54''
time: 17:13:15 utc
date: 30-10-2011
altitude: -6 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 16 m
gps fix lat: n 44 59' 54'' long: w 7 40' 54'' time: 17:13:15 utc date: 30-10-2011 altitude: -6 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 16 m maressiellada false
31403 30/10/2011 08:35 46.0391666666667 -6.79277777777778 30/10/2011 08.35
46° 02.350'N 6° 47.567'W
gps fix

lat: n 46 2' 21''
long: w 6 47' 34''
time: 07:31:52 utc
date: 30-10-2011
altitude: -8 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 32
gps fix lat: n 46 2' 21'' long: w 6 47' 34'' time: 07:31:52 utc date: 30-10-2011 altitude: -8 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 32 maressiellada false
31399 29/10/2011 20:58 47.1758333333333 -5.71583333333333 29/10/2011 20.58
47° 10.550'N 5° 42.950'W
gps fix

lat: n 47 10' 33''
long: w 5 42' 57''
time: 18:58:22 utc
date: 29-10-2011
altitude: -6 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 48 m
gps fix lat: n 47 10' 33'' long: w 5 42' 57'' time: 18:58:22 utc date: 29-10-2011 altitude: -6 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 48 m maressiellada false
31392 29/10/2011 11:41 48.0641666666667 -5.14138888888889 29/10/2011 11.41
48° 03.850'N 5° 08.483'W
gps fix

lat: n 48 3' 51''
long: w 5 8' 29''
time: 09:40:22 utc
date: 29-10-2011
altitude: 1 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 112 m
vert: +/- 400 m
gps fix lat: n 48 3' 51'' long: w 5 8' 29'' time: 09:40:22 utc date: 29-10-2011 altitude: 1 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 112 m vert: +/- 400 m maressiellada false
31369 26/10/2011 22:36 48.3775 -4.48861111111111 26/10/2011 22.36
48° 22.650'N 4° 29.317'W
gps fix

lat: n 48 22' 39''
long: w 4 29' 19''
time: 20:33:02 utc
date: 26-10-2011
altitude: 42 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 48 m
vert: +/- 6
gps fix lat: n 48 22' 39'' long: w 4 29' 19'' time: 20:33:02 utc date: 26-10-2011 altitude: 42 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 48 m vert: +/- 6 maressiellada false
31360 26/10/2011 08:56 48.8669444444444 -4.32638888888889 26/10/2011 08.56
48° 52.017'N 4° 19.583'W
gps fix

lat: n 48 52' 1''
long: w 4 19' 35''
time: 06:55:40 utc
date: 26-10-2011
altitude: -4 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 48 m
gps fix lat: n 48 52' 1'' long: w 4 19' 35'' time: 06:55:40 utc date: 26-10-2011 altitude: -4 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 48 m maressiellada false
31357 25/10/2011 14:14 49.7555555555556 -2.00583333333333 25/10/2011 14.14
49° 45.333'N 2° 00.350'W
gps fix

lat: n 49 45' 20''
long: w 2 0' 21''
time: 12:11:52 utc
date: 25-10-2011
altitude: 1 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 16
gps fix lat: n 49 45' 20'' long: w 2 0' 21'' time: 12:11:52 utc date: 25-10-2011 altitude: 1 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 16 maressiellada false
31350 24/10/2011 23:41 49.6458333333333 -1.6202777777778 24/10/2011 23.41
49° 38.750'N 1° 37.217'W
gps fix
lat: n 49 38' 45''
long: w 1 37' 13''
time: 21:40:22 utc
date: 24-10-2011
altitude: -4 m
velocity: 0 km/h
horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 32 m
gps fix lat: n 49 38' 45'' long: w 1 37' 13'' time: 21:40:22 utc date: 24-10-2011 altitude: -4 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 32 m maressiellada false
31342 24/10/2011 12:50 50.175 -0.269999999999982 24/10/2011 12.50
50° 10.500'N 0° 16.200'W
gps fix
lat: n 50 10' 30''
long: w 0 16' 12''
time: 10:44:47 utc
date: 24-10-2011
altitude: 23 m
velocity: 0 km/h
horiz: +/- 56 m
vert: +/- 8
gps fix lat: n 50 10' 30'' long: w 0 16' 12'' time: 10:44:47 utc date: 24-10-2011 altitude: 23 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 56 m vert: +/- 8 maressiellada false
31333 23/10/2011 16:49 51.6041666666667 1.65083333333333 23/10/2011 16.49
51° 36.250'N 1° 39.050'E
gps fix

lat: n 51 36' 15''
long: e 1 39' 3''
time: 14:48:22 utc
date: 23-10-2011
altitude: 7 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 48 m
vert: +/- 128 m
gps fix lat: n 51 36' 15'' long: e 1 39' 3'' time: 14:48:22 utc date: 23-10-2011 altitude: 7 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 48 m vert: +/- 128 m maressiellada false
31328 23/10/2011 05:34 52.0077777777778 1.19916666666667 23/10/2011 05.34
52° 00.467'N 1° 11.950'E
gps fix

lat: n 52 0' 28''
long: e 1 11' 57''
time: 03:33:54 utc
date: 23-10-2011
altitude: 3 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 16 m
vert: +/- 48 m
gps fix lat: n 52 0' 28'' long: e 1 11' 57'' time: 03:33:54 utc date: 23-10-2011 altitude: 3 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 16 m vert: +/- 48 m maressiellada false
31293 19/10/2011 18:51 52.0333333333333 1.15194444444444 19/10/2011 18.51
52° 02.000'N 1° 09.117'E
gps fix

lat: n 52 2' 0''
long: e 1 9' 7''
time: 16:49:05 utc
date: 19-10-2011
altitude: 11 m
velocity: 0 km/h

horiz: +/- 8 m
vert: +/- 16 m
gps fix lat: n 52 2' 0'' long: e 1 9' 7'' time: 16:49:05 utc date: 19-10-2011 altitude: 11 m velocity: 0 km/h accuracy horiz: +/- 8 m vert: +/- 16 m maressiellada false