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Quest for the North_Vol.II _ Faroe and Iceland - Auto (fuoristrada/Rally) - Wandering_OL 15735 Views
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101985 25/05/2017 19:06 41.21207 13.55833 25/05/2017 19:06
41° 12,724'N 13° 33,500'E
Back home!

Sent by iYouPosition
Back home! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101953 24/05/2017 14:08 45.72987 9.027755 24/05/2017 14:08
45° 43,792'N 9° 01,665'E
Fucking back in Italy!

Sent by iYouPosition
Fucking back in Italy! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101931 23/05/2017 21:02 47.593683 7.589044 23/05/2017 21:02
47° 35,621'N 7° 35,343'E
Tonight we will sleep here...in France!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we will sleep here...in France!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101908 23/05/2017 10:23 51.956454 7.618089 23/05/2017 10:23
51° 57,387'N 7° 37,085'E
We slept here last night!

Sent by iYouPosition
We slept here last night! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101864 21/05/2017 15:11 52.089484 5.11578 21/05/2017 15:11
52° 05,369'N 5° 06,947'E
Ops, we are in Utrecht!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Ops, we are in Utrecht!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101854 20/05/2017 20:27 53.202392 9.54804 20/05/2017 20:27
53° 12,144'N 9° 32,882'E
First night back on the continent!!

Sent by iYouPosition
First night back on the continent!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101842 20/05/2017 11:50 57.047693 9.914835 20/05/2017 11:50
57° 02,862'N 9° 54,890'E
First stop to meet a friend!!

Sent by iYouPosition
First stop to meet a friend!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101766 18/05/2017 17:32 62.00907 -6.772103 18/05/2017 17:32
62° 00,544'N 6° 46,326'W
Back in Tórshnav for five hours!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Back in Tórshnav for five hours!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101730 16/05/2017 18:50 65.260341 -14.009164 16/05/2017 18:50
65° 15,620'N 14° 00,550'W
Ready to come back!

Sent by iYouPosition
Ready to come back! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101711 15/05/2017 21:31 65.523753 -13.807774 15/05/2017 21:31
65° 31,425'N 13° 48,466'W
Tonight we will sleep here!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we will sleep here!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101709 15/05/2017 20:38 65.540185 -14.283888 15/05/2017 20:38
65° 32,411'N 14° 17,033'W
Green power in the middle of nowhere!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Green power in the middle of nowhere!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101707 15/05/2017 18:03 65.281346 -14.424459 15/05/2017 18:03
65° 16,881'N 14° 25,468'W
Tea time in a cool/wired caffè!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tea time in a cool/wired caffè! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101663 13/05/2017 17:09 65.8161 -16.387333 13/05/2017 17:09
65° 48,966'N 16° 23,240'W
Another great waterfall!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Another great waterfall!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101655 13/05/2017 13:56 65.817059 -14.842773 13/05/2017 13:56
65° 49,024'N 14° 50,566'W
Driving south following the coast!

Sent by iYouPosition
Driving south following the coast! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101651 13/05/2017 12:50 66.197948 -15.335523 13/05/2017 12:50
66° 11,877'N 15° 20,131'W
We slept here last night!!

Sent by iYouPosition
We slept here last night!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101639 12/05/2017 18:05 66.386238 -14.852651 12/05/2017 18:05
66° 23,174'N 14° 51,159'W
On an amazing cliff!!

Sent by iYouPosition
On an amazing cliff!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101637 12/05/2017 16:43 66.252546 -15.254793 12/05/2017 16:43
66° 15,153'N 15° 15,288'W
A fast pit stop for lunch...not far from another planwreck!

Sent by iYouPosition
A fast pit stop for lunch...not far from another planwreck! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101634 12/05/2017 13:49 66.462212 -15.962293 12/05/2017 13:49
66° 27,733'N 15° 57,738'W
suddenly StarGate!!

Sent by iYouPosition
suddenly StarGate!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101633 12/05/2017 13:26 66.516647 -16.139163 12/05/2017 13:26
66° 30,999'N 16° 08,350'W
Not so far from the Polar Arctic Circle!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Not so far from the Polar Arctic Circle!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101617 11/05/2017 19:16 66.046831 -17.343725 11/05/2017 19:16
66° 02,810'N 17° 20,624'W
No whales when we are watching...

Sent by iYouPosition
No whales when we are watching... Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101584 10/05/2017 15:03 65.641414 -16.808293 10/05/2017 15:03
65° 38,485'N 16° 48,498'W
Welcome to Mars!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Welcome to Mars!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101581 10/05/2017 13:41 65.608722 -16.877844 10/05/2017 13:41
65° 36,523'N 16° 52,671'W
Another dead crater!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Another dead crater!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101572 09/05/2017 23:36 65.59254 -16.914781 09/05/2017 23:36
65° 35,552'N 16° 54,887'W
Dimmuborgir fields!! We try to sleep here tonight!

Sent by iYouPosition
Dimmuborgir fields!! We try to sleep here tonight! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101557 09/05/2017 18:06 65.68269 -17.548917 09/05/2017 18:06
65° 40,961'N 17° 32,935'W
where the ancient gods have fallen!!

Sent by iYouPosition
where the ancient gods have fallen!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101545 09/05/2017 01:39 65.648024 -18.101584 09/05/2017 01:39
65° 38,881'N 18° 06,095'W
Tonight we sleep here!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we sleep here! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101535 08/05/2017 18:40 66.149414 -18.908725 08/05/2017 18:40
66° 08,965'N 18° 54,524'W
Where the snow angel died!

Sent by iYouPosition
Where the snow angel died! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101531 08/05/2017 16:25 65.659954 -20.285969 08/05/2017 16:25
65° 39,597'N 20° 17,158'W
Just a break to eat something!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Just a break to eat something!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101529 08/05/2017 13:53 65.605911 -20.637466 08/05/2017 13:53
65° 36,355'N 20° 38,248'W
No fucking seals!

Sent by iYouPosition
No fucking seals! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101528 08/05/2017 13:22 65.677598 -20.674633 08/05/2017 13:22
65° 40,656'N 20° 40,478'W
Where are the seals??

Sent by iYouPosition
Where are the seals?? Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101524 08/05/2017 12:34 65.402286 -20.94718 08/05/2017 12:34
65° 24,137'N 20° 56,831'W
What a deja-vu!

Sent by iYouPosition
What a deja-vu! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101517 08/05/2017 00:20 65.259729 -21.109363 08/05/2017 00:20
65° 15,584'N 21° 06,562'W
We sleep here tonight

Sent by iYouPosition
We sleep here tonight Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101490 07/05/2017 16:09 65.695806 -21.696619 07/05/2017 16:09
65° 41,748'N 21° 41,797'W
Lunch break!

Sent by iYouPosition
Lunch break! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101465 06/05/2017 20:33 66.014563 -21.468593 06/05/2017 20:33
66° 00,874'N 21° 28,116'W
A good place to set a bonfire and rest for a night!!

Sent by iYouPosition
A good place to set a bonfire and rest for a night!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101463 06/05/2017 18:33 66.06328 -21.652466 06/05/2017 18:33
66° 03,797'N 21° 39,148'W
Driving back from the end of the road!

Sent by iYouPosition
Driving back from the end of the road! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101457 06/05/2017 17:06 66.051343 -21.548509 06/05/2017 17:06
66° 03,081'N 21° 32,911'W
A really remote gas station!

Sent by iYouPosition
A really remote gas station! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101455 06/05/2017 15:25 65.897124 -21.278162 06/05/2017 15:25
65° 53,827'N 21° 16,690'W
Lunch time on a tiny beach!

Sent by iYouPosition
Lunch time on a tiny beach! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101452 06/05/2017 13:04 65.927332 -22.424172 06/05/2017 13:04
65° 55,640'N 22° 25,450'W
Last night we slept here!

Sent by iYouPosition
Last night we slept here! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101430 05/05/2017 19:26 65.994119 -22.816599 05/05/2017 19:26
65° 59,647'N 22° 48,996'W
Watching the seals!

Sent by iYouPosition
Watching the seals! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101424 05/05/2017 18:27 66.030248 -22.991128 05/05/2017 18:27
66° 01,815'N 22° 59,468'W
At the Arctic Fox Centre!

Sent by iYouPosition
At the Arctic Fox Centre! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101421 05/05/2017 17:16 66.074909 -23.12328 05/05/2017 17:16
66° 04,495'N 23° 07,397'W
Lunch break!

Sent by iYouPosition
Lunch break! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101417 05/05/2017 14:31 65.928925 -23.572265 05/05/2017 14:31
65° 55,736'N 23° 34,336'W
Something of botanic...maybe!

Sent by iYouPosition
Something of botanic...maybe! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101396 04/05/2017 21:36 65.758404 -23.485208 04/05/2017 21:36
65° 45,504'N 23° 29,112'W
Tonight we sleep here!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we sleep here! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101388 04/05/2017 18:15 65.736491 -23.208528 04/05/2017 18:15
65° 44,189'N 23° 12,512'W
Dynjandy waterfall!

Sent by iYouPosition
Dynjandy waterfall! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101384 04/05/2017 15:08 65.715685 -23.705175 04/05/2017 15:08
65° 42,941'N 23° 42,311'W
Feeling the ocean!

Sent by iYouPosition
Feeling the ocean! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101382 04/05/2017 13:13 65.596682 -23.998142 04/05/2017 13:13
65° 35,801'N 23° 59,889'W
A lot of houses..and life!

Sent by iYouPosition
A lot of houses..and life! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101357 03/05/2017 20:45 65.499203 -24.522054 03/05/2017 20:45
65° 29,952'N 24° 31,323'W
Looking for a Puffin!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Looking for a Puffin!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101350 03/05/2017 17:32 65.487175 -24.099399 03/05/2017 17:32
65° 29,230'N 24° 05,964'W
A dog lead us on a beach...

Sent by iYouPosition
A dog lead us on a beach... Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101349 03/05/2017 15:50 65.516607 -23.83656 03/05/2017 15:50
65° 30,996'N 23° 50,194'W
In a windy spot...with an old ship!

Sent by iYouPosition
In a windy spot...with an old ship! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101348 03/05/2017 14:05 65.577396 -23.159588 03/05/2017 14:05
65° 34,644'N 23° 09,575'W
Floating in hot water in front of the sea!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Floating in hot water in front of the sea!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101320 02/05/2017 20:39 65.560268 -22.420769 02/05/2017 20:39
65° 33,616'N 22° 25,246'W
Tonight we will sleep here!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we will sleep here! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101316 02/05/2017 17:09 65.386674 -21.880226 02/05/2017 17:09
65° 23,200'N 21° 52,814'W
Leaving the no name peninsula!

Sent by iYouPosition
Leaving the no name peninsula! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101315 02/05/2017 16:17 65.187599 -22.441423 02/05/2017 16:17
65° 11,256'N 22° 26,485'W
Wandering somewhere!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Wandering somewhere!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101311 02/05/2017 14:50 65.107947 -21.762837 02/05/2017 14:50
65° 06,477'N 21° 45,770'W
Back on the road to the north!

Sent by iYouPosition
Back on the road to the north! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101219 29/04/2017 14:14 65.080017 -22.723535 29/04/2017 14:14
65° 04,801'N 22° 43,412'W
How fucking far are the north west fjords??

Sent by iYouPosition
How fucking far are the north west fjords?? Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101186 29/04/2017 01:24 64.920442 -23.262075 29/04/2017 01:24
64° 55,227'N 23° 15,725'W
Tonight we sleep here!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we sleep here!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101166 28/04/2017 18:09 64.851524 -23.927683 28/04/2017 18:09
64° 51,091'N 23° 55,661'W
Better the view that the dead vulcano!

Sent by iYouPosition
Better the view that the dead vulcano! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101155 28/04/2017 15:16 64.737448 -23.775628 28/04/2017 15:16
64° 44,247'N 23° 46,538'W
Al lot of bird on the cliff!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Al lot of bird on the cliff!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101125 27/04/2017 20:53 64.751684 -23.651572 27/04/2017 20:53
64° 45,101'N 23° 39,094'W
We'll sleep here...in a church backyard!

Sent by iYouPosition
We'll sleep here...in a church backyard! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101121 27/04/2017 19:25 64.803802 -23.081054 27/04/2017 19:25
64° 48,228'N 23° 04,863'W
On a solitary beach!

Sent by iYouPosition
On a solitary beach! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101101 27/04/2017 15:34 64.384867 -21.26565 27/04/2017 15:34
64° 23,092'N 21° 15,939'W

Sent by iYouPosition
Wtf!!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101069 26/04/2017 17:49 64.264935 -20.507029 26/04/2017 17:49
64° 15,896'N 20° 30,422'W
Looking for a waterfall!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Looking for a waterfall!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101026 25/04/2017 21:25 64.346087 -20.129116 25/04/2017 21:25
64° 20,765'N 20° 07,747'W
Tonight we sleep here, in the middle of nowhere!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we sleep here, in the middle of nowhere!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
101022 25/04/2017 20:58 64.309335 -20.303151 25/04/2017 20:58
64° 18,560'N 20° 18,189'W
Wandering in the golden circle!

Sent by iYouPosition
Wandering in the golden circle! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100919 22/04/2017 23:22 64.148568 -21.940231 22/04/2017 23:22
64° 08,914'N 21° 56,414'W
Already in Reykjavik!

Sent by iYouPosition
Already in Reykjavik! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100910 22/04/2017 18:46 63.924719 -21.996518 22/04/2017 18:46
63° 55,483'N 21° 59,791'W
Lake Kleifarvatn!

Sent by iYouPosition
Lake Kleifarvatn! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100907 22/04/2017 17:14 63.881899 -22.454164 22/04/2017 17:14
63° 52,914'N 22° 27,250'W
Blue lagoon....full, and close since tomorrow for work!!shit!

Sent by iYouPosition
Blue lagoon....full, and close since tomorrow for work!!shit! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100876 21/04/2017 22:03 63.561063 -19.618944 21/04/2017 22:03
63° 33,664'N 19° 37,137'W
The oldest geothermal man-made pool of Iceland...we are still in the south area!

Sent by iYouPosition
The oldest geothermal man-made pool of Iceland...we are still in the south area! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100855 21/04/2017 00:22 63.621115 -19.989502 21/04/2017 00:22
63° 37,267'N 19° 59,370'W
Tonight we will stay here!

Sent by iYouPosition
Tonight we will stay here! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100848 20/04/2017 20:50 63.459112 -19.364538 20/04/2017 20:50
63° 27,547'N 19° 21,872'W
To the sólheimasandur plane wreck!! Looks epic!

Sent by iYouPosition
To the sólheimasandur plane wreck!! Looks epic! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100839 20/04/2017 13:39 64.025268 -16.974187 20/04/2017 13:39
64° 01,516'N 16° 58,451'W
Walking back from Svartifoss!

Sent by iYouPosition
Walking back from Svartifoss! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100834 19/04/2017 22:46 64.016137 -16.36647 19/04/2017 22:46
64° 00,968'N 16° 21,988'W
We will sleep here...after the third car rescue!!

Sent by iYouPosition
We will sleep here...after the third car rescue!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100830 19/04/2017 21:34 64.050604 -16.180348 19/04/2017 21:34
64° 03,036'N 16° 10,821'W
Jökulsárlon...missing the position of the Ice Cave in the morning!

Sent by iYouPosition
Jökulsárlon...missing the position of the Ice Cave in the morning! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100818 19/04/2017 15:28 64.250714 -14.984897 19/04/2017 15:28
64° 15,043'N 14° 59,094'W
Stokksnes...on a black sand beach!

Sent by iYouPosition
Stokksnes...on a black sand beach! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100796 18/04/2017 19:30 64.655603 -14.284462 18/04/2017 19:30
64° 39,336'N 14° 17,068'W
Djúpivogur! We will rest here tonight.

Sent by iYouPosition
Djúpivogur! We will rest here tonight. Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100782 18/04/2017 12:44 65.073393 -14.881035 18/04/2017 12:44
65° 04,404'N 14° 52,862'W
Frist stop in Iceland!

Sent by iYouPosition
Frist stop in Iceland! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100750 17/04/2017 20:36 63.036489 -8.430821 17/04/2017 20:36
63° 02,189'N 8° 25,849'W
Somewhere in the middle of the sea. Destination: Iceland

Sent by iYouPosition
Somewhere in the middle of the sea. Destination: Iceland Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100586 14/04/2017 12:46 61.902705 -6.87756 14/04/2017 12:46
61° 54,162'N 6° 52,654'W
Skopun...waiting for the ferry, again!

Sent by iYouPosition
Skopun...waiting for the ferry, again! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100583 14/04/2017 11:48 61.836121 -6.8115 14/04/2017 11:48
61° 50,167'N 6° 48,690'W
Sandur...the sea is fucking cold!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Sandur...the sea is fucking cold!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100555 13/04/2017 20:36 61.80809 -6.676219 13/04/2017 20:36
61° 48,485'N 6° 40,573'W
Husavik...tonight we sleep here!!

Sent by iYouPosition
Husavik...tonight we sleep here!! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100551 13/04/2017 18:27 61.784594 -6.673962 13/04/2017 18:27
61° 47,076'N 6° 40,438'W
Dalur, last village in the south of Sandoy!

Sent by iYouPosition
Dalur, last village in the south of Sandoy! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100544 13/04/2017 15:27 61.952077 -6.794681 13/04/2017 15:27
61° 57,125'N 6° 47,681'W
Kirkjubøur...waiting for the ferry to Sandoy!

Sent by iYouPosition
Kirkjubøur...waiting for the ferry to Sandoy! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100540 13/04/2017 12:26 62.326577 -6.940302 13/04/2017 12:26
62° 19,595'N 6° 56,418'W

Sent by iYouPosition
Gjogv Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100504 12/04/2017 15:22 62.05461 -7.155216 12/04/2017 15:22
62° 03,277'N 7° 09,313'W
Sandavague, on Vágar Island

Sent by iYouPosition
Sandavague, on Vágar Island Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100468 11/04/2017 19:50 62.152637 -7.149571 11/04/2017 19:50
62° 09,158'N 7° 08,974'W
Vestmanna...looking for a place where spend the night!

Sent by iYouPosition
Vestmanna...looking for a place where spend the night! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100462 11/04/2017 17:33 62.289092 -7.146604 11/04/2017 17:33
62° 17,346'N 7° 08,796'W
Tjørnyvik looks like a landscape from Dead Man Tells no Tales

Sent by iYouPosition
Tjørnyvik looks like a landscape from Dead Man Tells no Tales Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100459 11/04/2017 14:50 62.225628 -6.58554 11/04/2017 14:50
62° 13,538'N 6° 35,132'W
Lunch time in Kaksvik!

Sent by iYouPosition
Lunch time in Kaksvik! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100454 11/04/2017 13:29 62.360102 -6.543363 11/04/2017 13:29
62° 21,606'N 6° 32,602'W
Vidareidi, one of the last villages in the north east of the Faroe!

Sent by iYouPosition
Vidareidi, one of the last villages in the north east of the Faroe! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100425 10/04/2017 20:16 62.305812 -7.083703 10/04/2017 20:16
62° 18,349'N 7° 05,022'W
First day on the Faroe, tonight we sleep in Eiði.

Sent by iYouPosition
First day on the Faroe, tonight we sleep in Eiði. Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100309 07/04/2017 13:23 55.63981 9.562397 07/04/2017 13:23
55° 38,389'N 9° 33,744'E

Sent by iYouPosition
Denmark...somewhere! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100283 06/04/2017 18:30 53.31554 9.955994 06/04/2017 18:30
53° 18,932'N 9° 57,360'E
Siamo a Jesteburg, poco a sud di Amburgo. Abbiamo trovato un camping e passeremo la notte qui!

Sent by iYouPosition
Siamo a Jesteburg, poco a sud di Amburgo. Abbiamo trovato un camping e passeremo la notte qui! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100268 06/04/2017 13:05 50.792935 9.473674 06/04/2017 13:05
50° 47,576'N 9° 28,420'E
Somewhere in Germany!

Sent by iYouPosition
Somewhere in Germany! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100234 05/04/2017 17:35 48.758895 8.340435 05/04/2017 17:35
48° 45,534'N 8° 20,426'E
Sta sera ci fermiamo qui a Gernsbach, piccolo paesino nella zona nord della Foresta Nera

Sent by iYouPosition
Sta sera ci fermiamo qui a Gernsbach, piccolo paesino nella zona nord della Foresta Nera Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100226 05/04/2017 13:19 47.526801 7.700275 05/04/2017 13:19
47° 31,608'N 7° 42,017'E
Crossing the Switzerland...

Sent by iYouPosition
Crossing the Switzerland... Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100203 04/04/2017 23:01 45.449028 9.186234 04/04/2017 23:01
45° 26,942'N 9° 11,174'E
Serata a Milano, domani contiamo di raggiungere la Foresta Nera!

Sent by iYouPosition
Serata a Milano, domani contiamo di raggiungere la Foresta Nera! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100189 04/04/2017 12:23 43.135533 11.865356 04/04/2017 12:23
43° 08,132'N 11° 51,921'E
Partiti in mattina, ora stiamo pranzando con fave e pecorino ad area di sosta in Toscana!

Sent by iYouPosition
Partiti in mattina, ora stiamo pranzando con fave e pecorino ad area di sosta in Toscana! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false
100154 03/04/2017 16:30 41.21209 13.558321 03/04/2017 16:30
41° 12,725'N 13° 33,499'E
Defender carico, ormai manca solo un giorno alla partenza da Roma!

Sent by iYouPosition
Defender carico, ormai manca solo un giorno alla partenza da Roma! Sent by iYouPosition Wandering_OL false