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Silk Road Race 2014 - Fabbian - Auto (su strada) - fabbian 7606 Views
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Commenti: 1

Eventually we found the fuel we needed for the car. 11:30 last night in shadow and under a low torch we siphoned the fuel. It looked very suspicious. Today we are off to Samakand.

fabbian , 19/08/2014 04:58:52
72001 25/08/2014 19:21 43.765971 11.393895 25/08/2014 19.21
43° 45,958'N 11° 23,634'E
Florence, home with a glass of champagne.
Adventure now complete. A truly enriching experience which Ingrid will share on Facebook.
Many thanks for all that followed our progress and supported us.
Until the next adventure.
Florence to Hong Kong by car?
Florence, home with a glass of champagne. Adventure now complete. A truly enriching experience which Ingrid will share on Facebook. Many thanks for all that followed our progress and supported us. Until the next adventure. Florence to Hong Kong by car? Ciao fabbian false
71961 25/08/2014 15:10 41.784889 12.254156 25/08/2014 15.10
41° 47,093'N 12° 15,249'E
Roma.One train ride and a taxi ride to the finish Roma.One train ride and a taxi ride to the finish fabbian false
71933 25/08/2014 09:09 40.97953 28.818264 25/08/2014 09.09
40° 58,772'N 28° 49,096'E
Istanbul on the way home Istanbul on the way home fabbian false
71828 24/08/2014 10:58 38.574115 68.789401 24/08/2014 10.58
38° 34,447'N 68° 47,364'E
Statistics for the Journey.
Crossed 10 countries
Required 5 visas
Completed journey in 22 days
Travelled 8600km
Used 483 litres of fuel
Drove for 150 hours
Spent 16 hours on boarder controls
64 GB of photos
Statistics for the Journey. Crossed 10 countries Required 5 visas Completed journey in 22 days Travelled 8600km Used 483 litres of fuel Drove for 150 hours Spent 16 hours on boarder controls 64 GB of photos fabbian false
71810 24/08/2014 09:46 38.57391 68.789639 24/08/2014 09.46
38° 34,435'N 68° 47,378'E
Dushanbe, a few Soviet era new monuments and some latter ones. Also some very ordinary Soviet era concrete buildings. The main street is treelined but very hot.
The national dish is the bowel challenging Plov, not recommended for breakfast as we discovered yesterday.
Off to see the tallest flagpole in the world and the largest tea house.
One constant is the standard of driving, crossing the road is a game of Russian Roulette.
Dushanbe, a few Soviet era new monuments and some latter ones. Also some very ordinary Soviet era concrete buildings. The main street is treelined but very hot. The national dish is the bowel challenging Plov, not recommended for breakfast as we discovered yesterday. Off to see the tallest flagpole in the world and the largest tea house. One constant is the standard of driving, crossing the road is a game of Russian Roulette. fabbian false
71596 22/08/2014 16:06 38.574229 68.788737 22/08/2014 16.06
38° 34,454'N 68° 47,324'E
Handed over the car today.
On reflection of yesterdays final lap: 40km of abysmal roads, 1st and 2nd gear for most of the way, no signage, problematic 3 hr boarder crossing, 5km of tunnel under construction with moon cratered surface no lighting and the usual maniacal drivers made for an interesting day. However the drive down the mountains into Dushanbe was spectacular if a little dangerous.
Now two days of being tourists before heading home on the 25th AM
Handed over the car today. On reflection of yesterdays final lap: 40km of abysmal roads, 1st and 2nd gear for most of the way, no signage, problematic 3 hr boarder crossing, 5km of tunnel under construction with moon cratered surface no lighting and the usual maniacal drivers made for an interesting day. However the drive down the mountains into Dushanbe was spectacular if a little dangerous. Now two days of being tourists before heading home on the 25th AM fabbian false
71458 21/08/2014 17:37 38.572219 68.788943 21/08/2014 17.37
38° 34,333'N 68° 47,337'E
10 countries, 8600km, in 21 days. We have arrived mission accomplished 10 countries, 8600km, in 21 days. We have arrived mission accomplished fabbian false
71457 21/08/2014 17:36 38.572162 68.788971 21/08/2014 17.36
38° 34,330'N 68° 47,338'E
10 countries, 8600km, in 21 days. We have arrived mission accomplished 10 countries, 8600km, in 21 days. We have arrived mission accomplished fabbian false
71375 21/08/2014 09:39 40.380699 69.312744 21/08/2014 09.39
40° 22,842'N 69° 18,765'E
21/08/2014 09.39 21/08/2014 09.39 fabbian false
71228 20/08/2014 12:11 39.657911 66.971216 20/08/2014 12.11
39° 39,475'N 66° 58,273'E
The excitement continues! The boarder crossing we had chosen is now closed and the only alternative we can find will have us traverse the 5km tunnel from hell in Tajikistan. So we will have to load a bottle of vodka to bolster our spirits.
Sumarkand is a worthwhile destination to visit
The excitement continues! The boarder crossing we had chosen is now closed and the only alternative we can find will have us traverse the 5km tunnel from hell in Tajikistan. So we will have to load a bottle of vodka to bolster our spirits. Sumarkand is a worthwhile destination to visit fabbian false
71081 19/08/2014 11:11 39.65791 66.971214 19/08/2014 11.11
39° 39,475'N 66° 58,273'E
The 4 hour rollercoaster drive from Bukhara had you hone your driving skills. your wits and agility skills tested. the white line in the middle of the road was just that. the vehicles from both sides of the road dogged the various sized holes. to add to this donkey and carts, pedestrians and bicycles were all doing the same thing. However we had Ghirabaldi playing this soothed the tension. we are now safely in Samakand. The 4 hour rollercoaster drive from Bukhara had you hone your driving skills. your wits and agility skills tested. the white line in the middle of the road was just that. the vehicles from both sides of the road dogged the various sized holes. to add to this donkey and carts, pedestrians and bicycles were all doing the same thing. However we had Ghirabaldi playing this soothed the tension. we are now safely in Samakand. fabbian false
70914 18/08/2014 10:31 39.772929 64.422279 18/08/2014 10.31
39° 46,376'N 64° 25,337'E
Bukhara is a step back in time the history of the silk road is everywhere. Our challenge for now is to find diesel for the car so that we can complete our mission. The majority of vehicles in Uzbekistan run on Gas! therefore diesel and petrol difficult to source. Watch this space. Bukhara is a step back in time the history of the silk road is everywhere. Our challenge for now is to find diesel for the car so that we can complete our mission. The majority of vehicles in Uzbekistan run on Gas! therefore diesel and petrol difficult to source. Watch this space. fabbian false
70839 17/08/2014 18:08 39.772895 64.422284 17/08/2014 18.08
39° 46,374'N 64° 25,337'E
After more crazy drivers and the world's worst roads in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan has only provided a little relief. Now in Bukhara to enjoy the essence of the silk road After more crazy drivers and the world's worst roads in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan has only provided a little relief. Now in Bukhara to enjoy the essence of the silk road fabbian false
70739 17/08/2014 08:17 42.383209 59.504613 17/08/2014 08.17
42° 22,993'N 59° 30,277'E
goodbye Turkmenistan hello Uzbekistan goodbye Turkmenistan hello Uzbekistan fabbian false
70619 16/08/2014 10:14 42.309103 59.142079 16/08/2014 10.14
42° 18,546'N 59° 08,525'E
16/08/2014 10.14 16/08/2014 10.14 fabbian false
70605 16/08/2014 06:47 41.622364 58.652959 16/08/2014 06.47
41° 37,342'N 58° 39,178'E
16/08/2014 06.47 16/08/2014 06.47 fabbian false
70476 15/08/2014 06:35 37.941859 58.380289 15/08/2014 06.35
37° 56,512'N 58° 22,817'E
15/08/2014 06.35 15/08/2014 06.35 fabbian false
70359 14/08/2014 09:54 37.937237 58.383175 14/08/2014 09.54
37° 56,234'N 58° 22,991'E
14/08/2014 09.54 14/08/2014 09.54 fabbian false
70344 14/08/2014 04:20 37.204339 58.475596 14/08/2014 04.20
37° 12,260'N 58° 28,536'E
14/08/2014 04.20 14/08/2014 04.20 fabbian false
70212 13/08/2014 10:43 36.27243 59.602465 13/08/2014 10.43
36° 16,346'N 59° 36,148'E
Tomorrow at 0500 we head for the Turkmenistan border 268km. We have been advised that there is no cell phone coverage in Turkmenistan and unreliable wi fi so that we not be able to post a message until the 18th. when we cross into Uzbekistan, we have a satellite phone as a back up.
Now onto the Stans.
Had a great dinner with teamcousin last night
Tomorrow at 0500 we head for the Turkmenistan border 268km. We have been advised that there is no cell phone coverage in Turkmenistan and unreliable wi fi so that we not be able to post a message until the 18th. when we cross into Uzbekistan, we have a satellite phone as a back up. Now onto the Stans. Had a great dinner with teamcousin last night fabbian false
70151 12/08/2014 20:32 36.272443 59.60224 12/08/2014 20.32
36° 16,347'N 59° 36,134'E
In Ashgabat we will be staying at the MIF Hotel on the 14th night In Ashgabat we will be staying at the MIF Hotel on the 14th night fabbian false
70070 12/08/2014 15:02 36.272141 59.602685 12/08/2014 15.02
36° 16,328'N 59° 36,161'E
Ingrid was allowed free entry to Ferdosi tomb because the officials were impressed by the style of her chador and she has now accepted to walk behind me?
Nearly lost her on the bus as she had to go down to the back with all the other chador bandits and nearly missed the stop
Ingrid was allowed free entry to Ferdosi tomb because the officials were impressed by the style of her chador and she has now accepted to walk behind me? Nearly lost her on the bus as she had to go down to the back with all the other chador bandits and nearly missed the stop fabbian false
70046 12/08/2014 12:59 36.272616 59.602363 12/08/2014 12.59
36° 16,357'N 59° 36,142'E
visited the tomb of Ferdosi, father of modern Iran.
lost Ingrid amongst all the chadors in the old bazzar. found her again. Will stay here an extra night and go direct to the Turkmenistan border on the 14th. Hope the commd. work over the boarder!
visited the tomb of Ferdosi, father of modern Iran. lost Ingrid amongst all the chadors in the old bazzar. found her again. Will stay here an extra night and go direct to the Turkmenistan border on the 14th. Hope the commd. work over the boarder! fabbian false
70042 12/08/2014 12:35 36.272565 59.602692 12/08/2014 12.35
36° 16,354'N 59° 36,162'E
team cousins we are staying at the Talaee Ghasr room 1319 yes let us meet for dinner I will try to call team cousins we are staying at the Talaee Ghasr room 1319 yes let us meet for dinner I will try to call fabbian false
69893 11/08/2014 14:27 36.272461 59.602279 11/08/2014 14.27
36° 16,348'N 59° 36,137'E
Today I exchanged my head scarf and baggy cloths for a chador, which is more comfortable than you may think, and visited the holy shrine of Imam Reza. An mazing and huge complex. The most holiest place in Iran. Today I exchanged my head scarf and baggy cloths for a chador, which is more comfortable than you may think, and visited the holy shrine of Imam Reza. An mazing and huge complex. The most holiest place in Iran. fabbian false
69712 10/08/2014 15:12 36.272609 59.602237 10/08/2014 15.12
36° 16,357'N 59° 36,134'E
After a extremely hot and dusty and scary 700 kms mixing with the local crazy drivers we finally reach Mashhad. here we will remain for 2 days rest and recuperation before entering the
Stan states.
After a extremely hot and dusty and scary 700 kms mixing with the local crazy drivers we finally reach Mashhad. here we will remain for 2 days rest and recuperation before entering the Stan states. fabbian false
69630 10/08/2014 04:35 35.593061 53.378331 10/08/2014 04.35
35° 35,584'N 53° 22,700'E
10/08/2014 04.35 10/08/2014 04.35 fabbian false
69629 10/08/2014 04:21 35.593061 53.378333 10/08/2014 04.21
35° 35,584'N 53° 22,700'E
hot dry winds arid rugged landscape. managed 1,000 kms without aircon. Iranian driving skills are not getting better.
spending the night in Semnan.
hot dry winds arid rugged landscape. managed 1,000 kms without aircon. Iranian driving skills are not getting better. spending the night in Semnan. fabbian false
69515 09/08/2014 12:48 36.101337 50.422613 09/08/2014 12.48
36° 06,080'N 50° 25,357'E
09/08/2014 12.48 09/08/2014 12.48 fabbian false
69514 09/08/2014 12:48 36.097033 50.431981 09/08/2014 12.48
36° 05,822'N 50° 25,919'E
09/08/2014 12.48 09/08/2014 12.48 fabbian false
69513 09/08/2014 12:46 36.1169 50.39049 09/08/2014 12.46
36° 07,014'N 50° 23,429'E
09/08/2014 12.46 09/08/2014 12.46 fabbian false
69476 09/08/2014 08:40 37.333127 47.038858 09/08/2014 08.40
37° 19,988'N 47° 02,331'E
09/08/2014 08.40 09/08/2014 08.40 fabbian false
69468 09/08/2014 04:04 37.544152 45.066893 09/08/2014 04.04
37° 32,649'N 45° 04,014'E
back on the road headed for Mashhad. note telephone coverage only allows us to receive text messages no calls in or out avanti! back on the road headed for Mashhad. note telephone coverage only allows us to receive text messages no calls in or out avanti! fabbian false
69467 09/08/2014 04:04 37.544152 45.066893 09/08/2014 04.04
37° 32,649'N 45° 04,014'E
back on the road headed for Mashhad. note telephone coverage only allows us to receive text messages no calls in or out avanti! back on the road headed for Mashhad. note telephone coverage only allows us to receive text messages no calls in or out avanti! fabbian false
69411 08/08/2014 19:10 37.544108 45.066893 08/08/2014 19.10
37° 32,646'N 45° 04,014'E
Turkey/ Iran boarder smooth usual diesel fuel scam on Iranian side. Heading towards Tabriz and Moshhad tomorrow. Greatings to team cousins Turkey/ Iran boarder smooth usual diesel fuel scam on Iranian side. Heading towards Tabriz and Moshhad tomorrow. Greatings to team cousins fabbian false
69365 08/08/2014 15:01 37.544112 45.066877 08/08/2014 15.01
37° 32,647'N 45° 04,013'E
08/08/2014 15.01 08/08/2014 15.01 fabbian false
69264 07/08/2014 19:21 39.552053 44.060514 07/08/2014 19.21
39° 33,123'N 44° 03,631'E
visited the Sumela Monestri, impressive!
Sleeping in the shadow of Mt. Ararat, tomorrow Iran
visited the Sumela Monestri, impressive! Sleeping in the shadow of Mt. Ararat, tomorrow Iran fabbian false
69213 07/08/2014 13:29 39.970471 41.427248 07/08/2014 13.29
39° 58,228'N 41° 25,635'E
07/08/2014 13.29 07/08/2014 13.29 fabbian false
69118 06/08/2014 18:39 40.81058 39.613495 06/08/2014 18.39
40° 48,635'N 39° 36,810'E
still on track with our kilometres however news from home, house been burgled again! put a damper on things. still on track with our kilometres however news from home, house been burgled again! put a damper on things. fabbian false
68971 05/08/2014 17:53 42.023998 35.149517 05/08/2014 17.53
42° 01,440'N 35° 08,971'E
390km at 40kph average took some patience. FYI the Black Sea is not black. 390km at 40kph average took some patience. FYI the Black Sea is not black. fabbian false
68881 05/08/2014 08:36 41.748181 32.387765 05/08/2014 08.36
41° 44,891'N 32° 23,266'E
05/08/2014 08.36 05/08/2014 08.36 fabbian false
68847 04/08/2014 21:48 41.248022 32.682907 04/08/2014 21.48
41° 14,881'N 32° 40,974'E
04/08/2014 21.48 04/08/2014 21.48 fabbian false
68845 04/08/2014 21:44 41.247968 32.682787 04/08/2014 21.44
41° 14,878'N 32° 40,967'E
The roads in Turkey are wide, beautiful and well sign posted. Shame about their drivers and we thought the Bulgarians were bad. For a change of scenery tomorrow we will take the coastal road along the Black Sea. The roads in Turkey are wide, beautiful and well sign posted. Shame about their drivers and we thought the Bulgarians were bad. For a change of scenery tomorrow we will take the coastal road along the Black Sea. fabbian false
68844 04/08/2014 21:39 41.247971 32.682784 04/08/2014 21.39
41° 14,878'N 32° 40,967'E
The roads in Turkey are wide, beautiful and well sign posted. Shame about their drivers and we thought the Bulgarians were bad. For a change of scenery tomorrow we will take the coastal road along the Black Sea. The roads in Turkey are wide, beautiful and well sign posted. Shame about their drivers and we thought the Bulgarians were bad. For a change of scenery tomorrow we will take the coastal road along the Black Sea. fabbian false
68633 03/08/2014 16:36 42.14833 24.748562 03/08/2014 16.36
42° 08,900'N 24° 44,914'E
easy day experienced the beautiful Rila national park. sleeping in Plovdiv. tomorrow Turkey and the Black Sea. easy day experienced the beautiful Rila national park. sleeping in Plovdiv. tomorrow Turkey and the Black Sea. fabbian false
68567 03/08/2014 10:23 42.133168 23.340322 03/08/2014 10.23
42° 07,990'N 23° 20,419'E
rila monastery Bulgaria awesome location! rila monastery Bulgaria awesome location! fabbian false
68532 02/08/2014 21:10 42.919651 22.937329 02/08/2014 21.10
42° 55,179'N 22° 56,240'E
frustrating day governed by traffic congestions. spent numerous melting hours at border crossings. spending the night in dragoman Bulgaria frustrating day governed by traffic congestions. spent numerous melting hours at border crossings. spending the night in dragoman Bulgaria fabbian false
68517 02/08/2014 19:34 42.99784 22.832828 02/08/2014 19.34
42° 59,870'N 22° 49,970'E
02/08/2014 19.34 02/08/2014 19.34 fabbian false
68380 01/08/2014 19:50 45.717668 16.403475 01/08/2014 19.50
45° 43,060'N 16° 24,209'E
good days drive, enjoying a Croation beer. 3 countries down 7 to go good days drive, enjoying a Croation beer. 3 countries down 7 to go fabbian false
68326 01/08/2014 09:17 43.757961 11.297545 01/08/2014 09.17
43° 45,478'N 11° 17,853'E
The journey begins, now from Firenze! The journey begins, now from Firenze! fabbian false
67980 28/07/2014 12:50 48.127548 16.587412 28/07/2014 12.50
48° 07,653'N 16° 35,245'E
ciao Vienne. ciao Vienne. fabbian false
67473 23/07/2014 15:56 43.764624 11.282483 23/07/2014 15.56
43° 45,877'N 11° 16,949'E
Ciao 23/7/14 Ciao 23/7/14 fabbian false
67307 21/07/2014 20:29 43.771548 11.267402 21/07/2014 20.29
43° 46,293'N 11° 16,044'E
21/07/2014 20.29 21/07/2014 20.29 fabbian false