Attraversata a vela in solitario Sanremo - Azzorre - Sanremo - Sailboat - p.telmon 1415 Views
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GPS fix

Lat: N 43 48' 55''
Long: E 7 46' 26''
Time: 06:33:16 UTC
Date: 16-07-2011
Altitude: 39 m
Velocity: 0 km/h

Horiz: +/- 16 m
Vert: +/- 16 m

p.telmon , 7/16/2011 8:35:09 AM

GPS fix

Lat: N 43 48' 55''
Long: E 7 46' 26''
Time: 18:15:01 UTC
Date: 01-07-2011
Altitude: 39 m
Velocity: 0 km/h

Horiz: +/- 24 m
Vert: +/- 80 m

p.telmon , 7/1/2011 8:16:04 PM
23378 26/06/2011 19:13 43.8158333333333 7.77944444444444 26/06/2011 19.13
43° 48.950'N 7° 46.767'E

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Sent via Inmarsat. The mobile satellite company

Please note your reply is limited to 160 characters. Sent via Inmarsat. The mobile satellite company p.telmon.23378.jpg p.telmon false